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Post carding

Indivisible Stamford postcards for numerous campaigns as the need arises. These have included Sister District in PA and SafeVoteCT.




We are currently working on postcards for Reclaim Our Vote, an organization that is re-registering voters who look as if they may have been purged from the voting rolls.


To get start Postcarding - watch their Postcard Training Video (7.5 minutes) and then check out their one-stop postcard shop at to order postcards and addresses.


Indivisible Stamford will also be putting together postcard kits and mailing them out to those who need them. 


You can also email with questions.




When we are not working on a specific campaign we work with Postcards to Voters, also known as Tony the Democrat. We have been writing postcards through this organization since 2017, working on many different campaigns across the country.


Registering and getting approved is quick and easy. 


  1. Write a postcard based on their instructions

  2. Take a photo of your postcard

  3. Email the photo and they will approve you within a day or so.

  4. Voila!


The approval process is done for quality control purposes. (Handwriting, spelling, coherence, following instructions, etc.) Once you have the OK you can handle everything via text and/or email. 


More details:

  1. Postcards to Voters gives you a mailing window of three days. Once again it is a matter of quality control. (They don't want people hanging onto cards for weeks.) The three-day timespan is usually not hard and fast unless we are coming up on a really tight target date. You will know from the text they give you. 

  2. You can ask for 5 addresses or 50. Up to you. 

  3. We have lots of postcards which we can mail to you or drop off at your house. We also have a limited number of stamps. You can also order postcards and postcard stamps on Amazon.


If you want to write for a different state or a specific campaign, we can probably make that happen. Swing Left is focusing on 12 super states and they have lots of options available. 


Contact us at

Reclaim our vote

postcards for voters

Ready to Post Card?

Indivisible Stamford meets weekly, via Zoom, on Wednesdays from

5:30 -7 PM.


Drop in to learn what we are doing, get help with an activity, or just chat with like-minded folks who share your goals and concerns.

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